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Trax Orthodontics
We’re excited to provide you with the best care and expertise that will ensure that your smile looks its best.
Appliances for Your Plan
Proper treatment before, during, and after your braces is crucial, and most ortho plans include tools that help with that process. For the best success, follow these care instructions below for each appliance.
Appliances for Your Plan
Proper treatment before, during, and after your braces is crucial, and most ortho plans include tools that help with that process. For the best success, follow these care instructions below for each appliance.

PURPOSE: To help create space for crowded anterior teeth.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE WORN? Please wear appliance as much as possible: while watching TV, doing homework, and when you sleep. Appliance should not leave the house. Take out appliance when eating and drinking. If it is not in your mouth it needs to be in your case. It should float in your mouth because it is not a fixed appliance. Saliva with increase until you are used to it, because your brain thinks it’s food.
HYGIENE: Please clean your appliance everyday by brushing it with your toothbrush and toothpaste. To save time, do this every time you brush your teeth! Rinse it with cold water.
OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: KEEP AWAY FROM PETS! If it is not in your mouth it NEEDS to be in your provided case. A fee will be charged for a replacement.

PURPOSE: Headgear is used to move molars back in the upper arch to create space and/or to slow forward jaw growth.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE WORN? Headgear should be worn as much as possible, while watching TV, doing homework, and at night when you sleep. Cooperation in wearing headgear will help provide the best possible results in the shortest time of treatment. Poor cooperation lengthens treatment, compromises the result, and may require avoidable tooth removal. Do not eat or drink when wearing your headgear. Headgear should always stay at home.
DISCOMFORT: Some soreness of the molar teeth may occur during the first few nights. Aspirin or Tylenol will help with any discomfort. Alternating wear usually will cause more discomfort than constant wearing. You may feel the molars are loose. They are! That is because they are moving, yay!
OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: If you accidentally bend or lose your headgear, please notify the office ASAP so we can repair and/or replace your appliance. Insert and remove your headgear with care and according to our instructions to avoid damage to the headgear bands. Always bring your headgear with you to your appointments. Always unhook the strap before trying to remove headgear. It is not necessary to wash the elastic strap. We will replace them as needed.
Do not wiggle the bow of the headgear up or down, as it will result in damage to the band. Do not wear headgear if the band to which it attaches becomes loose on the tooth. If this occurs, call our office to get it repaired. Headgear is placed with the loops up.

PURPOSE: To correct the front to back relationship of the upper and lower jaws. It encourages the lower jaw to grow by guiding it forward. Advancement of the short lower jaw is essential in obtaining a good profile, full smile, and correct bite. The rods and tubes of the herbst connect the upper and lower jaws. The connection does not interfere with opening, closing, or eating. However, side to side movement is usually restricted. The herbst appliance provides the best and fastest correction of your bite and profile.
HYGIENE: Brush the appliance as you would your own teeth. A waterpik or other irrigating device is recommended and effective adjunct to brushing and rinsing. Food may get stuck between the appliance and roof of mouth, so hygiene is extremely crucial to treatment. Brush thoroughly around all the crowns and especially under the lower bars.
DIET: Eating may be a little difficult for the first week or so due to soreness. After that, you should be able to eat almost everything you did before your appliance was placed. Please stay away from any hard, sticky, and tacky candy or food. Some examples are: ice cubes, lollipops, frozen candy bars, gym, taffy, and caramels. Avoid chewing very hard or tough foods, which can damage the herbst and result in discomfort and emergency visits.
OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: Speech will be affected by the appliance at first, but the more you talk the better it will be. Saliva will increase the first few days while your mouth adjusts to the appliance being in there. The bottom screws may irritate the inside of your lip, you can use wax to smooth them until the lower lip adjusts to screws. Opening the mouth too wide can cause rods to come loose. If screws, crowns, or other parts come loose or break, please contact us. The appliance may or may not need to be expanded, if it does, instructions will be given at that time.

Lip Bumper
PURPOSE: To gain space for tooth eruption and alignment in the lower arch.
WHEN SHOULD IT BE WORN? Lip bumper should be worn as much as possible: While doing homework, watching TV, and at night while you sleep. The more hours the better!
OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: There will be some initial soreness during the first few days. It is normal for your lip to feel protruded slightly with the lip bumper in. Eventually your lip will compress the lip bumper in causing it to create space. If the lip bumper starts to bother your front teeth or gums from being too close, no worries we will adjust it at your next visit.
If you lose or bend your lip bumper, please notify the office. There will be a fee for a replacement if lost. When inserting and removing your appliance, do so with care to avoid any damage to the appliance and bands. Do not wear lip bumper if the band to which it attaches to becomes loose on the tooth. If this occurs, please call our office. Remember that the appliance will only work if it is worn!

Rapid Palate Expander
PURPOSE: To orthopedically expand the upper jaw quickly for those who have a crossbite and/or underbite. Those who have an underbite may have to wear headgear as well. The expander will be instructed to turn every other day. A space will appear between upper two front teeth over time, and front teeth may feel loose at times. After turning is complete, the appliance will stay in for several months, functioning as a retainer.
HYGIENE: Brush the appliance as you would your own teeth. A waterpik or other irrigating device is recommended and effective adjunct to brushing and rinsing. Food may get stuck between the appliance and roof of the mouth, so hygiene is extremely crucial to treatment.
DIET: Eating may be a little difficult for the first week or so due to soreness. After that, you should be able to eat almost everything you did before your appliance was placed. Please stay away from any hard, sticky, and tacky candy or food. Some examples are: ice cubes, lollipops, frozen candy bars, gum, taffy, and caramels.
OTHER IMPORTANT INFO: Speech will be affected by the expander at first, but the more you talk, the better it will be. Saliva will increase the first few days while your mouth adjusts to the appliance. If expander feels loose, please call the office to come in and get it checked. When activating the expander, it is recommended to do so at night that way the next morning the pressure from the turn is gone. If you forget one night, you can activate it once in the morning and once at night, but not more than twice a day. It’s also ok to miss a day if you’re feeling too much pressure.